
Monday, March 16, 2009

Training farmers

BSLA is promoting commercial agriculture production for increased house hold income and food security inthe district. The organization has plans to implement a maize production project with a purpose of increasing maize production and improving its quality in 10 farmer groups.

Each group has 18 members and BSLA is providing the group with inputs for an acre for demonstration purposes. In the picture you can see DAP, UREA & maize seeds in stock ready to be distributed to the farmers groups. Waiswa Ajab distributed DAP and Maize seeds to Igombe integrated farmers centre group, the group is actively egaged in maize production. the group members say that maize is used for food and cash crop.

During the farmers training in receord management and Agronomy, Waiswa Ajab and Naigaga Olivia demonstrated how a farmer can plant maize in the rows in order to get better yields. Farmers of Abalyogero group said that they have been getting 10 bags in an acre.

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